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easter mass schedule

Holy week liturgical schedule

Our Holy Week liturgies lead us into the Holy Days known as the Easter Tritium. During this week, the Church celebrates the mysteries of salvation accomplished by Christ in the last days of his life that lead us to hope and to the joy of Easter.

PALM SUNDAY - April 14*

Regular Sunday Mass Schedule:
Saturday Vigil Mass - 5 pm
Sunday Mass – 8:30 am, 10 am, 11:30 am

Palms are Blessed and distributed at every Mass.

Holy Thursday - april 18*

Holy Thursday is the Commemoration of the Last Supper with the foot washing ritual.

Mass at 7:00 pm
Mass followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until 11:00 pm
An 'Altar of Repose' is set up in the Jesuit  Room for quiet prayer in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.

Good Friday Liturgies - april 19*

11:00 am - Children’s Stations of the Cross - for Children & Families
3:00 pm - Celebration of the Lord's Passion


Good Friday is the Day of Fast: the fast in an invitation to eat a simple meatless meal, to take time to pray and to do acts of charity.

Easter Saturday Vigil- april 20*

Mass at 7:00 pm
(No 5 pm Mass)

Easter Sunday - April 21*

Mass at 8:30 am - Suzanne Nordin (organ)

Mass at 10:00 am - Mass Choir

Mass at 11:30 am - Mass Choir

* Children are invited to bring small bells with them to ring out during the Easter Gloria and whenever an Alleluia is said or sung.

Immaculate Conception Parish Vancouver

3778 West 28th Avenue
Vancouver, BC, V6S 1S6


Tel. 604-224-5678

Fax. 604-224-8808




Father Paul Smith, OFM


Office Hours:

Tuesday:  9 am - 4 pm

Wednesday: 9 am - 2 pm

Thursday:  9 am - 3 pm





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